
Health Problems as of 16 March 2014

Headaches/migraines. Take quite strong painkillers

Sleep problems.
Sinus problems. Take medication when it flares up.
Aching body
Depression. Currently taking medication.
Acid reflux. Currently taking medication.
Bad knee's with occasional pain and getting worse. I really must see my GP about it.
A noisy and grinding right knee
Painful left knee
Eyes deteriorating. I need to go to the opticians. (already wear glasses)
IBS/Constipation often.
Paper thin finger nails.
Dry hair.
Dry skin.
High Cholesterol (7.3 the last time it was checked)(this has now increased to 8.4)
High BMI
Back Pain
Mood swings
Painful joint
Fungal nail infection in both big toes. (had this and treated it, it went but came back. It started when I was at college 8 years ago. I never had this problem until then)


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