Sunday, 8 June 2014


PROCRASTINATE!!!!!! Yep, that is all I have been doing for the last few weeks. I have had a few stresses and have been feeling quite depressed lately but I decided that nothing was going to make me feel better until I picked myself up and done something about it! And so I did! My first stress was knowing that I have been due to visit my dentist for a while now but because my husbands salary has dropped slightly, as most of the UK's working wage has dropped slightly I do confess to putting my dental visit off, something I NEVER do!!
Working families do have to pay for dental, eye tests and prescriptions. Anyway, I was under the illusion that dental treatment was much more expensive, where I got that from I don't know because I have had to pay for dental treatment for years....puzzling why I thought that. I went to my dentist last Friday and I do need a little bit of own fault - but since going I feel much better! I have changed my dental practice, it is still the same practice but a much more relaxed practice and less of a wait for treatments, so I go back in two weeks for my treatment. At my other dental practice I would have had to wait until August for treatment...madness. So, that is that sorted :)

I have needed a tumble dryer for ages now. I used to have a tumble years ago, back in the 80's but they were SOOO expensive to run I never used it, I actually threw it away, but nowadays they are a lot more efficient and it is much better and less costly than putting the gas heating on all the time to dry clothes, especially during the Summer months when the weather is hotter yet raining outside so not like I can hang the laundry out. So yesterday I bit the bullet and we went and bought a tumble dryer. Of course the laundry will go out on the line when it isn't raining. I am happy now because many a time I have had to put the heating on during the Summer whilst cooking the family their meals over the hot hob, then I get I get very aggravated because of my time of life with the hot flashes....not fun AT ALL with all the heat I can tell you!! The tumble dryer is now on, the heating is off and I am feeling cooler...HAPPY! So that is another thing sorted and I stay a tad cooler.

I am getting back on track with my pointing as of tomorrow; Monday so I will update everything. I do need to do a grocery shop which I will get done sometime this week.

I am getting back on track with my rotas and I am even wanting to exercise starting with my 'Slim In 6' DVD's

I need to visit my GP about a few little problems, but one thing at a time for me, get my dental sorted and then the GP. I KNOW I should make an appointment now and I might yet.

I am getting back to life and feeling happier and much more on top of things which is the main thing!

Back tomorrow :)


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