Monday, 28 April 2014

Wedding Anniversary, Photo's & Review

We are celebrating our 32nd Wedding Anniversary are we celebrating it? Not by doing anything special, we never do really! Hubby is at work and I will be doing my usual things in the house. We don't buy each other a card either...NOOoo - but what we do is much more special and meaningful, we write each other a verse, it is more from the heart than buying cards that are printed off in their thousands which never quite mean everything you want it to mean and are in someone else's words.

Weigh In: I have lost 1lb today so back on the right track. I have figured out what sabotaged me sticking to plan. I suffer with depression and stress and during the 2 weeks Easter break I was feeling very stressed which I wont go into detail about on here just incase one of the neighbours finds and reads this, but I know why now which is the main thing.

I still haven't posted photo's of my latest buys yet but I will try and get them done and posted today.

I have had a bowl of porridge with a few blueberries for breakfast this morning.
I am going to write EVERYTHING down in my journal, "if it goes into my mouth, it goes into the journal."

I purchased things from Ebay and here are the pics of what I purchased. I know I am repeat buying some things but depending on which things I don't have it does work out cheaper to still purchase from ebay, even if it does include repeat purchases on some items.

This is the ebay photo of the bundle that I purchased 

38 x excellent condition 'Your Week' magazines inc original blue folder to hold 
Getting started book 1,2 & 3 in original red file
WW pocket guide -handy to pop in your bag 
Totally, enjoy, easy, , live, start, fabulous and future magazines further motivation to aid the Weight Watchers diet 
SHOP book by WW so you can keep a eye on your points while shopping 
EAT OUT book by WW enjoy eating out it still keep a eye on your figure 
MY JOURNAL by WW so you can record point and challenges faced within the week 
WW SHOPPING LIST - ring bound still with original seal (handy for fitting in your handbag )
WW Magnetic clipboard with chicken meal planner & shopping list & pen - still with original seal 
2 x WW recipe books ' just for me' & 'food for friends' 
4 x blank green tracker books.

I didn't have any of these books. The 'Seriously Satisfying' and the 'Hearty Home Cooking' are Pro Points.

This book including p&p cost £8 and pence...bargain!!

Weight Watchers portioned Cake Pops

Always great to have the 'Your Weeks' I have already found a few recipes I want to make and I have only looked through a few of them.

The latest 'Your Week'

Below I purchased some of the PB2...LOVE THIS! And to think that I used to HATE peanut butter with a passion, but I LOVE it now!!
I also needed this to make a recipe from Weightwatchersgirl1. She has a You Tube channel with loads of motivational and inspirational hints and tips and lots of fab recipe's.

I also needed some of this: The company only had two jars left so I decided to purchase them both, well, I couldn't leave a jar all alone on their shelves now could I?

Now to my hot chocolate review

Review on Weight Watchers Cappucino Cream Cake Flavoured Hot Chocolate Drink

I LOVE hot chocolate drinks, they help to stave off my chocolate cravings because I know I have a hot chocolate drink to look forward to at night.
This Weight Watchers hot chocolate drink was alright but I did sort of have to acquire a taste for this. It did leave a saccharine after taste. It has a nicer smell than taste. It states on the packet that it serves 8 but to serve 8 it would have been so weak so I put less water into my cup. 8 servings?....ummm...unless my spoons were bigger than the average this didn't make 8 servings.
Would I buy it again? No! Sorry Weight Watchers :(

Okay, I will be back tomorrow:)

Monday, 21 April 2014

I know Why!

This is just a very quick update.
I have had another gain but I absolutely know why...not tracking! So, tracking again properly as of NOW!!

I have photo's to post which I will do tomorrow, so until then.

Night Night!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Weigh In...OOps!

I gained 2lb this week - NOT HAPPY! But I just knew that this week was going to be a gain because it started off not so good, and the fact that I need to do a grocery shop which I am hoping to do this week, car allowing. My car is due the MOT and I am hoping that it will pass. We had 3 new tyres put on it over the weekend, and our eldest son, Michael is coming tomorrow to check things over on it so it will hopefully go through, tad worried about the hub or whatever it is called though, unless it just gets an advisory for that, a little bit of breathing room then....we'll see what happens.

I had my first official mammogram on Friday which went well, just waiting for the results now which will take about 2 weeks. I have already had a mammogram a few years ago because I noticed a change and when I had the mammogram the doctor found a lump which fortunately turned out to be benign...PHEW! :)

It is lovely and sunny today but I am staying inside because I want to sort out some kitchen cupboards and I also want to do some cleaning because I am buying a new microwave today. I gave my old microwave to my son when I went to raw foods not thinking I would EVER want another microwave but since going back to 'Weight Watchers' I have needed a microwave several times so a new microwave it will have to be....rather pleased actually :)

That is me for today and I will be back tomorrow :) :)

Monday, 7 April 2014

Weigh In

I have lost again!!! My weight is actually 14st 8.7/8lb but I always just use the solid numbers to update everything, but in actual fact I lost 2.1/8lb this week :) Pretty good...YeeHaa - I feel that I don't deserve a loss this week because I have been guesstimating most of the week, I just hope it doesn't catch up with me next week!!
Total lost to date: 7.5lb so I am going to contact 'Weight Watchers' and ask if I am able to receive the silver seven award :) I should be able to receive it and future awards because despite following 'Weight Watchers' at home I have still paid quite a lot of money for my pack, and when I was following the 'Weight Watchers' at home some years ago they did send me my rewards then, well, I can ask..."shy bairns get nowt"...sorry that is slang words but is how it is said. Strange how a small award/token can really boost us on our journey's :)
I just need to lose a further 4lb and I will have lost 5% of my body weight...YaaaHooo

I ordered and received another 'Weight Watchers' book today; 'The Complete Kitchen' I will post a pic of that tomorrow.

That is all for today. Night night!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

A Small WWer's Haul

I bought a few 'Weight Watchers' products from a local meeting, yes we At Homers can buy products from 'Weight Watcher' meetings.
The bars are 3 boxes for £5 at the moment; an Easter promotion thing.

I purchased the NEW Chocolate Heaven recipe cards...YUM! :)
1 Box Chocolate Raisin & Caramel Bars
1 Box Rich Toffee Bars
1 Box Chewy Toffee Popcorn Bars....these are my favourite!
I also wanted a NEW Clicker but she didn't think she had any left, she said that she might have just one in her bag but the box is completely squashed, it was brand new and hadn't been used  - she did...WooHoo and she didn't charge me for it because of the box. It was brand new and still had the little tab in the back to activate the battery...SCORE!!

Below is the photo of the 'Weight Watchers' book that I bought from Amazon also.

This book is rather good and has a good recipe idea of how to get homemade chips (fries) crispy, I will share on here when I have made them and I will let you know if they really do get crisp.

My eldest son, Michael came today but he quite upset me and stormed off, I would have thought a nearly 28 year old (28 years old next month) wouldn't be storming off in huffs but there you go, he did and he hasn't spoke or texted me since, I will have to text him, I can't just leave things because no matter what our kids do or say they are so precious! And he always thinks that if I don't text him first that I am never speaking to him again :(

I should be back tomorrow with my review of a 'Weight Watchers' product and possibly recipe's that I have found.
I'm off to text my son now :)

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

New Pages

I forgot to get back with photo's that I said I would post 2 days ago....DURRR

I have added 2 new page to this blog :) - Useful Hints & Tips and WWers ZERO Foods
The pages are linked here and also on the left of my blog.

I will be back later today with the photo's and a review on a 'Weight Watchers' product

Back later

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